Road Permits

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Our Permits Division, in accordance with State Law, County Ordinance, and the policies of the Board of Supervisors, issues transportation permits for over-size loads vehicles. This section also issues encroachment permits for any act or encroachment placed in a County-maintained road and special event permits related to special uses of County road rights of way.

Kern County requires a permit for all work performed in the County right of way. The permit office must be notified 48 hours prior to the start of any work. The County has specific requirements for each different type of permit.

Encroachment Permits

Encroachment Permits

We issue permits for above-ground structures, such as fences, power poles, curb & gutter, sidewalk, drive approaches, and private road approaches. We also issue permits for subsurface utility encroachments. We issue permits for all work within the road right-of-way including above-ground structures, such as fences, power poles, curb & gutter, sidewalk, drive approaches, and private road approaches. We also issue permits for subsurface utility encroachments. You must receive a permit prior to performing any work within the road right-of-way.

Please allow 5 to 10 business days to process your permit.

Due to a significant increase in the volume of applications we have recently received, there is a delay in the review process for permits. We are working diligently to process all applications as efficiently as possible and appreciate your understanding and patience during this time.

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